13 December 1999

The Tylers and Bricklayers Millennium Sundial was presented to the City of London by the Workshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers in time for the start of the Millennium year 2000.
It is situated outside the City of London Boys School riverside entrance on Paul's walk, some 50 metres upstream from the new Millennium footbridge. (see map}. It was designed by Piers Nicholson, a liveryman of the Company, and built by the Royal Engineers, who also built two others to the same design: one on the Thames Path, midway between the Millennium dome and the Thames Barrier, and the other outside the Royal Engineers Museum, Price Arthur Road, Chatham (see map)

For more pictures of the Blackfriars dial, which illustrate how it works, please click here


The chosen day for the unveiling was cold and wet, but neverthless a large number of people came to witness the event, and were much heartened by the trumpeters who played a fanfare to welcome the Commissioning Party.


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